The Company is committed to ongoing support of targeted Broken Hill community programs and has a long-standing relationship with the community. Perilya's operations have a positive impact in regional Australia through employment, local purchasing of materials and services, and through taxes and royalties.
In April 2012, Perilya's Broken Hill Mines Emergency Response Team placed first in the annual South Australia Mines Emergency Response Competition held in the Adelaide Hills. Organised by volunteers through the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME), Perilya won four out of eight challenges to take out the coveted SACOME trophy from last year's winners, BHP Billiton (Olympic Dam).
Through it's Cerro de Maimón Mine Foundation the Company supported a range of community development activities in the Maimón area during 2012 and inaugurated several new community projects and initiatives. Participants in the Company's training and micro-finance program (created to support the establishment and operation of local small businesses) have developed numerous new small businesses without loan default. Several language and vocation training programs were also completed during 2012.
Other sustainable development initiatives in the Maimón area included:
In December 2012, Perilya's local subsidiary company in the Dominican Republic, Corporacion Minera Dominicana (CORMIDOM) was presented with the Dominican Exporter of the Year Award by the Dominican Association of Exporters (ADOEXPO) at a major ceremony in Santo Domingo