An environmentally responsible culture is promoted at all locations and Perilya’s environmental team works closely with employees and stakeholders to ensure environmental matters are considered in all aspects of the company’s work.
Perilya continues to follow a strategy of focusing on providing visible leadership, encouraging responsible behaviours and empowering individual responsibility for the environment.
The company has adopted a positive and active approach to the protection, maintenance and rehabilitation of the environment in the organisation and planning of day-to-day activities.
Minimising water consumption, dust emissions, and noise; responsible mine closure and land rehabilitation; and overall environmental compliance; are key concerns which Perilya is working towards improving.
Perilya recognises that water is a valuable community resource and is committed to water conservation and efficient use.
The company has introduced several initiatives to suppress dust emissions: enhanced industrial sprinklers; water carts on haul roads and open areas; and tighter dust monitoring.
Stringent government noise limits are in place and all Perilya’s operations strive to meet these, and community, expectations.
Perilya tries to ensure its operations do not impact on neighbours’ quality of life.
Perilya appreciates that mining is a transient activity and that mineral reserves contained in any particular deposit on which a project is based are finite.
Mine decommissioning processes are continually reviewed so that rehabilitation work will provide a positive legacy of Perilya’s operations that will add value for future generations.
Perilya’s Environmental Management System (EMS) is being designed to provide a practical management framework to minimise environmental impacts from the company’s activities.
Perilya records and investigates all significant environmental issues, implements remedial actions to prevent reoccurrence and reports non-compliances to the relevant Government departments.
Perilya adopts a responsible approach to environmental management by imposing guidelines in auditing systems; monitoring community concerns; and managing environmental impacts.
Perilya is committed to transparent reporting and as such the company continues to monitor and report emission levels to the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI), a Federal Government database that reports emissions from a variety of substances.
The company works hard to reduce emissions through improving technology and operating practices.
Perilya was awarded the Australian Minerals and Energy Environment Foundation 1999 Environmental Excellence Award for its environmental management and rehabilitation of the Fortnum mine site.
The award followed Perilya's success in 1998 when the Fortnum mine also received the Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence in Mining, the premier award for environmental performance in Western Australia.
In 1995 Perilya completed alluvial gold mining at the Island Block mine in Otago Province, New Zealand. Following the cessation of activities the company and its joint venture partners successfully rehabilitated the mine site and restored affected farming land to a standard which received widespread approval from the community and government authorities.